Location: St. Paul, Minnesota, United States

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Emotions vs Rationality

To becoming a good writer and to publish great books have always been one of my personal dreams. After reading a lot of great writings throughout my life time, I have come to this conclusion, this fact that all great writings are able to arouse a reader's sentiment in some way directly or indirectly. Sometimes it doesn't really matter if you pamper your writings with a very wide range of vocabulary, if you can demonstrate your prowess in literary devices, or being good at grammar, or simply being clever and creative. If you are unable to stir readers' emotions, it will never be as good as you hope to be. I know most people would disagree with me at this point, because most people don't understand what I mean by stiring a reader's emotions.

If you are able to write an opinion essay that makes a great deal of sense, is that considered "arousing the emotions of a reader"? Even if the reader doesn't show any emotions at all but just quitely agrees? How does a reader determine what makes sense and what doesn't? How do readers decide if certain premises resonate with their common sense or not? When a statement or argument "clicks" in their mind, what constitutes this click? How does a person decide whether something clicks and something doesn't? It just seems to me that rationality is completely sentimental.

There are many other ways to arouse sentiments, such as creating of great artistic beauty, creating shocks and surprises, great comedy and contents with a lot of wisdom and originality, and etc... Also I think sentiments are completely subjective. One piece of literature while completely fails to scintillate the mind of a reader can move another to tears. Anyways, I think in order to be a good writer, you cannot be too egocentric in your writings - meaning that you must consider how other people will emotionally respond to your writing. What are the strategies to move your audience? You almost have to be a good psychologist.

After pondering over this, it just seems to me that human being is a sentimental specie. There is not really any disjunction between sentiment and rationality. Rationality IS a form of sentiment. You can argument that rationality is dictated by logic. However, logic can only determine if relations that exist between concepts are correct. Premises can only be tested by direct perception. If that is impossible, all you got is intuition which seems to me is like a form of sentiment. If fact, I think all human behaviors can be reduced to sentiment in one way or another.


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